Page 26 - IN Diplomacy Annual 2017
P. 26
Egypt Presents Opportunities...
in new developments involving Suez Canal, education, IT and water management
Text and photos by Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Singapore
Egypt and Singapore have a longstanding diplomatic relationship
that was established on November 28, 1966, almost a year after
the independence of Singapore. Egypt was amongst the first
countries to recognize the independence of Singapore, and was
the first Arab country to establish diplomatic ties.
The year 2016 marked the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations. The
celebrations commemorating this occasion took place during the visit of
H.E Dr. Tony Tan, the former President of the Republic of Singapore to
Egypt in November 2016, which came after a year of the visit by H.E Mr.
Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Singapore
in August 2015. The exchange of visits by the two Presidents have moved
the bilateral relations to new frontiers.
In 2017, the main focus of the Embassy’s activities was to continue its Visits, Business and Investment Events
follow up on the outcomes of the above-mentioned visits, to enhance
the bilateral ties in the fields of Public Administration, Water Resource n The main visit of 2017 was by Dr. Sahar Nasr, Egyptian Minister
Management, Port Management, Education, Vocational Training, of Investment and International Cooperation, and Admiral Mohab
Information Technology, and E-governance. Mamish, the Chairman of the Suez Canal Authority and the Suez
The Embassy has furthermore continued its outreach policy to the Canal Economic Zone in August 2017. The visit was upon an invitation
Private Sector to attract investments into Egypt and promote trade; this extended by H.E. Koh Poh Koon, Senior Minister of State for Trade and
is in addition to the regular political coordination with the competent Industry. They were accompanied by a business delegation.
authorities in Singapore on bilateral and international issues of mutual The visit aimed at attracting Singaporean investments to Egypt in
interest; and coordinating with MUIS on the means of enhancing the fields of urban and industrial zone development, logistics, maritime
current cooperation with Al-Azhar on Islamic issues, and Singaporean and food processing sectors. During the Egypt/ Singapore Business
Students studying in Al-Azhar University. Forum hosted by the Singapore Business Federation (SBF), Dr. Nasr
The Embassy’s social activities included holding a reception for the promoted the new Egyptian investment law, highlighting the business
Egyptian community in Singapore commemorating the revolution of 25 friendly environment it creates and the different incentives it provides
January 2011; holding a Dinner Reception at Hilton Singapore on the for investors. Admiral Mamish laid out the opportunities and incentives
occasion of the National Day of Egypt in July 2017, where H.E. Indranee of investing in the Suez Canal Economic Zone. The forum witnessed
Rajah, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of linking Egyptian and Singaporean businesses together.
Law was the Guest of Honour; hosting the annual “Iftar†in Ramadan Dr. Nasr signed a letter of intent with Singapore’s Institute of
for key figures in the Singaporean Muslim Community, where H.E. Dr. Technical Education (ITE) on future collaboration, and witnessed the
Mohamad Malaki Bin Osman, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between SBF and the
Defense and Ministry of Foreign Affairs was the Guest of Honour; co- Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce on future collaboration
organizing the Africa Day Reception in May 2017; and participating in between them.
the Singapore Red Cross International Bazaar in September 2017.
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